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What is Large Hadron collider (LHC)

 Earth is in danger. Scientists are step away from creating a black hole. Article's with similar headlines was in the press in early 2000s. 

The Large Hadron collider (LHC).How does the LHC work? Is it really capable of destroying our planet. Let's know about it

The Large Hadron collider

It is installed underground near the French Swiss border. It's a ring shape border of circumference of 27km.Two vaccum pipes are installed inside the tunnel which intersect in some places. 1232 main magnets are connected to the pipe. Their task is to accelerate proton with the speed close to speed of light. And then hold the strings so  that the particles do not crash in the pipe. In order to get the magnets to work they are powered by superconductive cables with the total length of 250 thousand kilometre. The wire is so long that if we decide to dismantle it then it's wires can be wrapped around the earth about 6 times at the equator. However it can be considered as the largest refrigerator. For proper operation the collider magnets need to be cooled at a temperature of -271.3 degree Celsius. To get this cold, 120 tons of liquid helium is poured in the LHC. Now look at in your refrigerator there are special substances among one there is refrigerant that create cold liquid helium. It's one of them. In 1 refrigerator there are approximately 32 to 50 g Of  refrigerants. So we can say that in LHC there are approximately 4 million refrigerators. Now the question arises in everyone's mind is how does it help us in modern science. Now from school we know that matter consists of molecules. Molecules consists of atoms and atoms of protons , neutrons and electrons. But modern science has gone even further it turns out that even the smallest particle for example proton consists of even smaller particles quarks.

Nobody knows how small they are Then imagine that an atom has grown to the size of the earth. Then a proton would have radius of hundred metres that is 328 ft that's almost the length of the football stadium. In this case a quark would have a radius of 5 cm. But how can we examin such small particles that's why the LHC was created. You take two beams of protons accelerate it in opposite directions and colloid them with each other. When they collide the small particles break away from them. In ordinary language a colloider is needed to see What happens when protons and heavy lead nuclei collide. As the creator of the project admit it pushing two protons together is so difficult that it's about getting the needle into a needle. Provided that the distance between them is 10 km and at the same time they need to collide exactly in the middle Not so easy. And also the small particles are invisible. Physicist can only study them by examining their tracks they leave in the way. The another task of LHC is to find something new. It was with higgs help that the Higgs boson was discovered this invisible particle hold the foundation of the universe. After all it's this particle that's give the other one's and there four all matter Mass. If it disappeared all particles Would become absolutely weightless and fly around the universe with the speed of light. In addition with the help of LHC it is possible to study other elementary particles each of them helps in emergence and interaction between atoms. And each of these particles is so small that they can be detected when the proton flexes collide. Scientist register the particles that are formed with the help of special detectors. Another interesting idea of studying is antimatter. In our world atomic nuclei have a positive electric charge negatively charged electrons revolve around them but for each particle of an atom you can create a double, an antiparticle. It has the same mass and same properties but the opposite charge for example an electron is negatively charged but it's antiparticle positron has the same mass but opposite charge. The same goes for protons. Protons are located in the nucleus of the atom and have a positive electric charge but there anti particles antiprotons carry a negative charge and at the same time have the same mass. We can say that anti particles is a mirror image of an ordinary particle. If you stand in front of the mirror you see your image in it. when you wave your right hand in your mirror the same person raises the left hand the same goes here. Antimatter is similarly arranged with the help of LHC it is possible to not only create and the particles they can also be combined with each other to create whole atom of antimatter. Under ordinary conditions when a proton and electron are joined hydrogen atom appears. Now we can take a charge of anti particles with opposite to the proton and electron. The antiproton and the positron by connecting them we get a anti hydrogen atom. It will have the same property as the same hydrogen itself but only when a ordinary atom collides with antihydrogen, an explosion occur as a result of which an incredible amount of energy would be released. 1 kg of hydrogen can produce slightly less energy than was released during that Tsar bomba explosion and that was the most powerful of all hydrogen bombs ever created by mankind. Most physicists believe the LHC as pretty cool there is only one small problem it is believed that one of its future experiments could destroy our planet or at least it could create serious problems. In 2008 opponents, Walter Wagner and Luis and sancho even went to core. They demanded a prohibition on starting up a LHC. The applications fear that if protons collided so strongly they could form a macroscopic black hole. The gravity of this object would be so great that it would immediately be attracting the surrounding molecule or completely drag the entire Earth into it. But don't worry none of the past experiments has confirmed the possibility of creating a black hole. Even if such object appeared inside the tunnel its size should be small so small that it should evaporate instantly. There is another potential threat, scientists believe that in some part of the universe there are wormholes. These are hypothetical objects in which space time is curved. We can say that these are tunnels connecting space time and if you enter one of these tunnels you will either travel in time or instantly go somewhere very far away even to another universe.

Some scientist fear that high energy may create such a wormhole inside the LHC itself. However it is just theory. The creators of the LHC clame that such particle collisions occur in our planet even without human integration. It is believed that millions of years ago, various cosmic particles energy millions of times greater then the proton accelerator have been nambarding the earth and it hasn't let a black hole in our planet or other terrible consequences it's unlikely that a such experiment it in LHC would transport us to an another dimension.

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