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what new discoveries can James Webb space telescope can do and how advanced is it and comparing Webb telescope to Hubble

25th December 2021. At this day NASA's 10 billion dollar super advance James Webb space telescope was launched. This telescope will find new and different objects in our universe and our galaxy and very far from that it will find the life planet like earth. In the coming days we will know that are we humans alone in the universe? Or there is some civilization that is more advanced than human's. Let's get it today that what will this telescope discovered in the coming years and what new discoveries can James Webb space telescope can do.

James Webb space telescope is named after NASA's brilliant scientist James Edwin webb. Also contributed to the apollo's moon mission. The James Webb telescope is the most biggest and the most advanced telescope launched till now. Which is more advanced than the Hubble space telescope. Hubble space telescope works only with near ultraviolet,visible and near-infrared lens but James Webb space telescope is also optimised for mid-infrared wavelengths. James Webb space telescope is 100 times more powerful than the Hubble space telescope. We can also say it as a time machine because it can cover the most wavelength with it so that we can see the first galaxy of our universe or maybe the first star of our universe. James Webb space telescope primary mirror compared to Hubble space telescope has 2.7 times the diameter than Hubble space telescope. And its area compared to Hubble is 6 times greater. Its mirror is made by beryllium and also at this beryllium mirror there are 1000 atom thick gold planted, which reflects the most infrared rays. The James Webb telescope will work for the next 10 years for us because the fuel of it can be finished by the next 10 years as it has high-tech infrared detectors fitted in it. It should be cold continuously by liquid helium so that there is no thermal fluctuations in it. I told you that the James Webb telescope will go far from Earth but a question arises here where does it go? Well this telescope will orbit near lagrange point L2 (Lagrange points refer to locations where the gravitational forces of 2 massive objects — such as the Sun and Earth — are in equilibrium,” NASA said. In simpler terms, it's the point where the Earth's gravitational pull completely balances out the Sun's much stronger gravity.). which is approximately 1500000 km far from Earth. When we compared Hubble space telescope and James Webb space telescope the difference we see that is Hubble space telescope is in the shape of a tube while on the other hand the James web design is very open. 

 The figure given below shows the comparison between James Webb space  telescope and Hubble space telescope

But why? The reason is the protection from Sun If we want the infrared detectors planted in James Webb space telescope should work properly then its temperature must be the lowest. The sun shield planted in it in terms of area it's bigger than a tennis court. It's made by a special material named Kapton. What Kapton does is it reduces the temperature. There are total 5 Sun Shields planted in it. As we go inner the sunshield will be colder then the other .To capture infrared radiation its temperature should be lower than -223 degree Celsius. The scientists say that the telescope is so much sensitive that if we kept the telescope on earth and see the moon the ant on the moon will be seen clearly. Apart from that when the James space telescope observe something it will send us the information by the help of high frequency radio transmitters. The radio signals coming from James Webb telescope will be captured by the NASA's deep space network.

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